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Solutions for remote teaching and e-learning are in high demand. Because of the Corona virus, schools and teachers are now challenged to develop ideas on how to teach digitally from home. Readily available software tools, like OneNote, can be a great help to create teaching materials, distribute worksheets to students and exchange documents with fellow teachers online.
As the school year ends, school districts are reeling from the repercussions of COVID-19 and weighing options for welcoming students back for the 2020-21 school year. At the same time, administrators and teachers are grappling with how to plan instruction that will build on the successes and learnings of the sudden transition to remote education and address the challenges that arose due to the pandemic..
New creative pen display inspires creative beginners, social content creators and visual thinkers with pen-on-screen sketching, drawing and annotating. MacOS, Windows and Android compatibility, new creative software bundles and third-party pen support offer a diverse ecosystem.
The company's first open platform extending low-code development using readily-available JavaScript libraries.
Untethered Audio with Astounding Sound. There’s a new standard in portable audio: powerhouse sound with flexible connectivity no matter the device, up to 8 hours of wireless listening and custom fit.
本次活動將與您分享 Creative Cloud 的嶄新及獨特的功能,透過與不同領域專家的創意體驗,重新啟發設計與創作上多元的靈感與可能性,讓您的作品更具創造力與設計性...
領先全球的創意盛會Adobe Max發表最新的AdobeCreative Cloud,包含全新體驗設計創意運用、影音編輯、使用者體驗UI工具與最新工作流程解決方案等等...
凡於活動期間 (10/20-11/9) 憑折扣優惠碼採購 Adobe CCT All apps 雙倍套數,登錄送2,000元新光三越禮券,最高上限2萬元。限量150套,先搶先贏。