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AI for Productivity and Virtual Production 人工智能對生產力與虛擬製作的應用

GrandTech and Viewcon recently held the "AI for Productivity and Virtual Production" seminar, where our industry experts shared valuable insights into the practical applications of Adobe AI and the latest AI technologies for virtual production. To empower enterprises to leverage AI to overcome today’s challenges, our experts demonstrated how Generative AI can streamline workflows, enhance creativity, and improve efficiency across various sectors. We are grateful to everyone who participated and contributed to the success of this event. Stay tuned for more interesting and thought-provoking events!
GrandTech 與 Viewcon 最近舉辦了 「人工智能對生產力與虛擬製作的應用」研討會 , 由我們的行業專家分享 Adobe AI 的實際應用,並探討虛擬製作中的尖端 AI 技術。為幫助企業了解如何利用 AI 應對當前挑戰,專家亦展示了生成式AI如何簡化工作流程、促進創造力並提高各行業的效率。感謝大家參與,敬請留意更多精彩活動!