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Webinar ini memberikan overview dan update terbaru mengenai konsep dan pemanfaatan teknologi Adobe Sign, Licensing, dan update legalitas tanda tangan berdasarkan Kemenkominfo serta hukum yang berlaku di Indonesia.
An Illustration Contest | Hi there, this time we wants to share the Competition, it's called "BRUSHVAGANZA" the illustration competition held by Brush & Grandtech
Halo Manteman! Buat yang masih bingung mau ngapain sambil nunggu buka puasa, yuk ikutan acara Ngabuburit with Wacom Grandtech!
Workshop Wacom mengenai Digital Illustration bersama Pak Doni Batara segara
Workshop 3D Modeling with Wacom Organized by : LAB Media Komunikasi Wacom Authorized Training Center
In 2016 and 2017, GrandTech held the first and second Digital Art Battle Platform popularizing digital art all over Taiwan!